
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Olympic Tragedy: Scott Hinkley

It saddens me that a seemingly avoidable accident like this had to overshadow the opening of the Vancouver games. It would seem that the news media, desperate for something to cover during the otherwise underwhelming first day of the Olympics, were somewhat overjoyed to visit and revisit the footage they had gotten, showing the horrifying end of a young life. Needless to say, I was very disappointed by their decisions to air the footage. I felt it was callous and careless. I am repeatedly upset by the absence of disturbing images from the countless conflicts and atrocities. The sterility of our info-tainment. I think the fact that this clip was deemed acceptable makes is a telling example of our hypocritical standards within mass media.

Furthermore, the fact that once the networks decided it was a mistake to continue airing the footage, they were swift in removing all copies of it from internet video sites. This seems to demonstrate clearly the goldfish-memory Americans willingly adopt in light of controversy. Alas, it is all about the money. Again.

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