
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Honeymoon Ends for Scott Brown: Nikki Lorenzini

I did not follow Brown's campaign before he was voted in. All I know was that he was running against a women, and he was the favorite, and they were vying for the old Kennedy spot. Beyond that, I was not aware of any of his platforms, or where he stood, or who really was.

But am I shocked that he is being label a turncoat, and is suddenly changing his stance? No, but I am shocked that he is doing it so suddenly. If he chose to run on the platforms that he did, that's his decision. He probably wanted to make himself look better, the more viable candidate, anything to win. Heck, this was a great spot to fill, following Ted Kennedy. If he planned on running with one intention, assuming he would change it once in the position, wouldn't he want to make it a more smooth, subtle change? Not so abruptly?

Then again, do you think that there is a chance that the media is putting extra scrutiny on him, because he did fill the Kennedy seat? I'm just throwing that one out there. I know that the media can be extra harsh on some subjects, and do you think that this could be one of them? I am not really sure if someone would be foolish enough to suddenly change their positions with in their first month in. Yes, I can understand if things do not happen right away, and for that you need some patience. But to change completely? Makes me think.

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