
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Palin 2012: Have Your Say

Now that you've read the opinions of our panel, have your say by leaving a comment.


  1. I think she'll run with Scott Brown in 2012. But, I don't think she has a chance of winning. I still think we'll have another Democrat in 2012, most likely Obama. Because the 2008 election was so monumental for so many reasons, someone on the loosing side of the ticket like Palin can't recover and capture the majority of Americas votes. The republicans will probably win 2016 because that gives them plenty of time to develop a fresh, engaging figure like the dems did in 2008. Palin will be a good republican to talk the talk in 2012 and she may end up in the administrations cabinet in 2016 but a president she won't be.

  2. Art, dude...really? Barack Obama has less experience in leadership than Sarah Palin.

    Find another reason to hate her.

  3. Mitt Romney will win in 2012 because he is the right man for the right time and he will save the ecomony. Obama was handed a recession and is turning it in a depression. There are no jobs to be found and over a million people will be cut off from unemployment checks in two weeks. I bet a lot of those people voted for Obama and now he is cutting off their checks! Mitt Romney is our only hope to save us before we are standing in soup lines!

  4. Austin . . . Obama served as a U.S. Senator for four years, so he has held national office, and addressed national issues, which Sarah Palin has never done. If you think being mayor of a small Alaska town for longer stacks up better as preparation for Chief Executive, then you deserve a fool like Palin as your President.

    In addition, Obama sailed through Columbia University and Harvard Law School. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. I doubt Ms. Palin could name three of the ten amendments of the Bill of Rights.

    As for GranOf4, I will only state that I see at least four errors of fact -- to be charitable, perhaps three errors of fact plus one matter of interpretation -- in her post.

  5. She's so dumb she probably thinks she'd win

  6. By 2012 the mid east conflict will seriously escalate contributing to continued economic instability and we'll be on the brink of healthcare reform implementatin. There is no way Obama won't hold office. I'm interested to see what dem will contest him though

  7. I'm getting really tired of being saying Obama isn't fixing the problems or creating the change he promised. Obama has two powers: influence and veto. That's it. He can push for the solutions he and his cabinet believe are right, but without the support of the other senators and representatives, he can only swing his arms. If we REALLY want change, we need to stop mindlessly ragging on Obama in blogs, and instead take a bit of action talking to our own state leaders letting them know how their constituents feel so they can properly represent us and support the change we're blogging about. And if ANYONE thinks that one person can singlehandedly change the country in 4 years, that person needs to read more (and talk less).
