
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Olympic Tragedy: Austin Lee

I find it humorous that television broadcasters went to such great length to warn viewers that this video would be difficult to watch.  Not 2 hours later most of these stations were probably airing television shows showing more violent and bloody scenes than the luge accident.  Their "concern" for us seems a bit disingenuous because of the old maxim, "If it bleeds, it leads."  The truth is that none of these broadcasters really cared about whether it was difficult.  Behind the scenes I am quite certain they couldn't get this footage on fast enough.

Of course this was in poor taste.  But, what else should we expect from the news media?  They cover celebrities more thoroughly than politics and have yet to sufficiently raise the alarm about the climate change debacle on going in Europe.  This was simply par for the course.

Yes, newsworthy items deserve full coverage, however, full coverage does not have to include video.  Especially if that video doesn't add value to the story.  Let's try some investigative reporting and shove a camera into the face of some of these climate change "scientists".  The facial expressions these guys show as they try to dodge and weave tough questions will add value.  (But that won't happen...the media is in on the scam.)

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