
Monday, February 15, 2010

John Mayer's Controversial Playboy Interview: Jeff Weiss

John Mayer is more than just an idiot – he's a narcissistic idiot. The entertainer has in recent years become more famous for his tabloid romances as opposed to his music. However, whereas most celebrities shy from their tabloid image, Mayer appears to embrace it by taking to Twitter and other outlets to comment on his famous ex-girlfriends. Perhaps he is so amazed at the fact that women such as Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston would even give him a second look, that he feels compelled to keep bring it up over and over again.

I almost feel sorry for John Mayer because he seems to actually think that he can say whatever comes to his mind – even when his words are shocking and mind-numbingly stupid – simply because he is considered somewhat of a celebrity. However, people in the public eye don't have a responsibility to be politically correct, and while Mayer's Playboy interview only shows how pathetic and sad he truly is, he had every right to liken his penis to former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke in a national publication. And I have every right to write here that he is pathetic for doing so.

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