
Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Family Guy" & Palin: Jeff Weiss

I am not a member of the Sarah Palin fan club, nor do I expect to be joining it anytime soon – or if ever. However, I agree with her comments as well as the comments of her daughter Bristol about Sunday's episode of Family Guy. While anyone who's ever seen Family Guy knows that they no one is off limits for their razor sharp satire, the “Down Syndrome Girl” episode was an epic failure – not just because it was tasteless but because it didn't even come close to being funny.

Family Guy has fans because they don't pick and choose who they mock. They are an equal opportunity offender. Even Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh have voiced cameos on the animated series because they “get” the show and feel as if they are “in” on the joke. However, the episode in question wasn't witty, funny, or clever. It actually felt as if they entire character was based around the one line joke of being the daughter of the former Governor of Alaska. Any episode built around one joke is destined to fail, and that's exactly what happened on Sunday night.

Palin would probably speak at the commencement of a graduating class of one student if she thought it would be covered by the media, so it doesn't surprise me that she was quick to comment about the episode of Family Guy – but this time she actually had a point. The show wasn't funny and should never have made it air.

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