
Monday, February 15, 2010

John Mayer's Controversial Playboy Interview: Ryan John

I didn't have an opinion about John Mayer prior to reading his playboy interview.  I know he had a few songs I liked and he was pretty popular with the ladies, but that's about where it ends.  I find what he said very intriguing and risky, but I like it.  Even though Jessica Simpson supposedly has very conservative roots, I'm pretty sure they have been compromised throughout her career so, I don't think Jessica Simpson or her parents will be outraged by the Mayer comments.  In fact, I think they'll be taken fairly complimentary and what's good for the goose is good for the gander meaning that since the whole Simpson family  is involved with her career, they can only benefit from the publicity.  Now, if Mayer would have said she was boring in bed and sexual attraction wasn't a huge reason he was with her, I can see how that would be damaging to a woman whose sexual appeal is a big part of her success.  But wait a minute here.  Am I the only one who was confused by how "sexual napalm" is meant to be a good thing?  Or how it relates to anything involving sexual at all?  But, I'm guessing she's OK with the comments, because lets face it, they're pretty flattering, right? 
Because I have residual Kayne anger concerning some of his outlandish comments and actions involving race, I don't mind Mayer speaking his mind and saying come controversial remarks in the other direction.  I know it's rather immature and counterproductive, but if Kayne is enjoying continued success, why shouldn't Mayer.  Besides, we've learned this past decade, through the wonderfully confusing world of reality TV, that shame free, uninhibited, behavior no matter how ignorant, crude or chaotic it is, really only can help your career shine in the lime light....even if it is only for a year or two.  There's no point of spending time naming the litany of rejects who have made hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, based on a persona that is otherwise embarrassing when the cameras aren't turned on, but we all know they're everywhere.  Why are people paying MTV's "Snookie" $10,000 to show up at their events?  Thankfully the Philadelphia audience was smart enough to boo her at the Wing Bowl last week, but that's besides the point. 
In Hollywood, that behavior is what gets noticed and what gets noticed gets you watched and what gets you watched produces ratings for the networks, and so on and so on...So will John Mayer's career be negatively affected?  Absolutely not.  He is far too established in his career to worry about black performers not teaming up with him.  We've seen that money talks, and all he needs is someone to suggest a Mayer/ black performer partnering that will create a hit song people will love and the Playboy interview will simply be remembered as a resume booster.