
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Super Bowl: Nikki Lorenzini

I would like to make a confession, and I hope none of you reading this hold this against me: I have absolutely no clue who is playing this year. My Eagles disappointed me a couple of weeks ago, so I stopped caring of who would be in the Super Bowl, as long as Dallas isn’t playing. Wait, are they playing? I know the Saints are. . .

But seriously, I’m showing up for the food and commercials. I am doing the same thing as last year: going over a couple’s house from my church and eat their food. Trust me, their food is fantastic. It’s as much of an event as the actual game is. Thankfully they don’t make us sit there and eat pizza. Nothing against pizza, but I can have it whenever, but go over a Puerto Rican’s house, now there’s some good eating for you.

Then there are the commercials which is usually the only reason I watch it. I’m still talking about the moose butt commercial from Monster from last year. Remember the one commercial from a few years ago about the flavored water and the reptiles did the dance to Thriller? I’m looking forward to see if AmeriTrade has their baby commercials (which I am always stoked for). Is it sad that I look forward to commercials? I mean, it’s just a commercial. Only during the Superbowl are the commercials glorified, the rest of the year, I happily DVR my stuff so I can skip them. My only disappointment is that they don’t play the majority of the commercials the rest of the year.

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