
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Palin 2012: Shaun Hautly

I'm nervous about writing on Sarah Palin as President. It's hard to be objective about it. If you're a republican, of course she is at least a viable candidate. Democrat? You may be booking tickets to Canada during her inauguration. I traveled the country interviewing people leading up to the 2008 election. I can say from experience that there is no middle ground for support of Sarah Palin. Love her or hate her. 


That's a link to my blog from several months ago when I posted a video of supporters interviewed at a Palin book signing. If you don't have time to watch, the summary is this: They don't know anything about her policies or opinions, they support her because they like her 'Real America' message, and the talking points she has without the execution method behind them. This is how most people are with candidates. This is why it scares me to see her run for president. Not that she'd have a chance to win, in my opinion, but her followers and supporters are so ignorant and so conservative, that she could have the power to push through some awful legislation without much resistance.

Obama was not a perfect candidate. His supports sang, "change is coming!" You ask them how, they have no answer. However, Obama's message of change was for the people, and about the general health of America as I interpreted it. Sarah's message seems to be one of persecution to wrongdoers, and taking rights from people instead of empowering and providing responsibility. Then again, I have to say that I am Pro-Choice (sort of), Pro Gay Marriage, Pro Minorities, and Pro Government. I am democratic, and have not liked the over-played artificial and condescending Sarah Palin that we have seen as Americans.

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