
Monday, February 8, 2010

The Fallout Over Rahm Emanuel's Comment: Sasha Smith

Criticizing every single thing someone in Obama's cabinet does is getting old. I guess its not going to end so I might as well accept it now. I mean even something said in a closed door meeting is now being criticized. I thought this was going to end but I guess not. Personally, I don't think Rahm Emanuel owes folks anything else. He apologized and it's over. If people want to act like they have never said anything inappropriate before in their lives behind closed doors than they are lying. 

Health care reform is a very important issue and I can completely understand Emanuel's frustration at all those in government who don't care about the American people's well being. Regardless of what party line you are on, healthcare should be one of the top issues that we are concerned about. We should want to fix the issue and make it a better

I don't have much else to say but when Rush Limbaugh stops saying "retard" on his public show than maybe I will start to care when others say it in closed door meetings.

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