
Monday, February 15, 2010

John Mayer's Controversial Playboy Interview: Have Your Say

Now that you've read the opinions of our panel, have your say by leaving a comment.


  1. Hello John Mayer. This is Every Black Woman in the World calling. Your penis may be a white supremacist but our vaginas have the wisdom to say that you'd never have a chance with us even if you begged, groveled and pleaded. Good luck with your bubble headed bleach blondes and fading career; they seem a perfect match for you.

  2. What gives? what happened to frredom of speech? Mayer was asked questions and he answered honestly but now the media wants to crucify him. Get real.

  3. John Mayer hasn't had a hit in years so he needs to be "shocking" in order for people to remember he's still around. He needs to pack it in.

  4. To Anonymous (1), "Freedom of Speech" isn't Freedom from judgement. The KKK has free speech, and they are still viewed as racist scumbags (to many eyes). What happened to Freedom of Speech? Nothing, that's why his words were printed. And that's why the media's words were printed "crucifying" him. That's freedom of speech. Not getting away with saying the n-word and no one saying anything...
