
Monday, February 8, 2010

The Fallout Over Rahm Emanuel's Comment: Jeff Weiss

It's been a year since Barack Obama was sworn in, and in that time we have seen every detail of his administration dissected for the sole purpose of undermining anything he attempts to accomplish. Every president has ups and downs and every president employs people who do and/or say things they regret. Why is it that everyone pounces when these situations occur while a Democrat is in office? Yes, Rahm Emanuel used poor judgment and said something that was insensitive. He apologized, and it should be forgotten. However, as long as there are cable news pundits and former vice presidential candidates that haven't realized they are their fourteenth minute of fame, the “R-word issue” will drag on until the president or someone in his administration does something that someone can complain about.

I remember when former Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot his friend while on a hunting trip. It was an accident, and it was reported briefly in the news and quickly forgotten. What would happen if Joe Biden had a similar accident? There would probably be a call for him to resign. When John McCain was running for president there were reports that he had an affair with a lobbyist. McCain denied it and said he wouldn't comment on it again. It was reported briefly in the media and quickly forgotten. Has anyone heard anything about John Edwards lately? Granted, Edwards is not a shining example of family values, but it does appear that scandals, potential scandals, and even utter nonsense will be analyzed for hours by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O'Reilly – as long as a Democrat is involved.

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